Color scale
FDS default themes are derived from the Paraşüt UI Library color palette and extended to support group products. FDS classifies colors into 3 main groups:
- Primary product color
- Neutral colors
- Semantic colors
Primary product color
The primary color is the main color of the product color theme and color palette. It represents the product's branding and experience overall. It is used to denote active or default colors shown on the UI.
The core Blue serves as the primary action color for some of our products and experiences.
Neutral colors
The Neutral palettes are dominant in the themes and have alternatives to ensure harmony with the product's primary color.
Antrasit gray
Cool gray
Semantic colors
Semantic color helps users identify status, see actions, locate help, and understand the next steps.
The green color emphasis the positive (e.g. success, confirmation) message on products.
The bronze is used for conveying the alert messages.
The red is used for danger or destructive meanings.
Color roles
In our color system, specific color palettes are used to distinguish certain elements based on their colors. This allows us to convey the message or emphasis to the user in the best possible way.
Color tokens
Our base color tokens have a semantic tokens, with each one serving a specific purpose in categories like background, foreground (text+icon) and borders.